
I’m thinking about my study statement and objectives for my project, what have I done and not done, where am I. I seem to be doing what I planned to do. I’m still committed to creating self-portraits for the duration of the course and have been doing this consistently and am finding it meaningful. I’m still using Instagram to build a world and perform this world. I’m still reading as much as I can. I’m making a physical book. I had planned to present some kind of very small scale installation by the end of this year. I still want to do this but I’ve had to put it on hold for a little while and change my thinking about the logistics of it for reasons I won’t go into just yet. The reasons are not bad, there are just things to wait for and figure out.

I now also have plans to make two more books. One will include a selection of the printed self-portraits and their captions. The other will include images made from text (building on this kind of thing that I experimented with in the interim show). The text will also come from the image captions but will be edited and abstracted, not written in their original form

There was mention in my Unit One feedback about whether I could make some kind of short film within this project. I don’t want to do this in any kind of conventional way but I have been enjoying experimenting with the editing of some recent videos on OnlyFans and I do think about how it would feel to compile them all together into one “film”. I also had an idea about creating an experimental video that would play with the format of an “instructional” video, using poetic narration.

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